Christian Gundtoft is from Denmark but situated in Zeitz, a small town just outside of Leipzig, Germany.

Artist Statement

My paintings emerge through a layer-on-layer process, gradually creating a mosaic with so many ins and outs that, in search of a motif, the spectator will often only find temporary solutions. I am very interested in the dynamic interplay between a painting and its spectator. I purposefully make it hard to figure out whether or not a painting is “supposed”  to look like something - or if it’s all going on inside your mind. That way the spectator becomes a potential co-creator of the piece. 

My style of painting leans towards figurative cubism as I find it to be the most effective vessel for exploring the facets of reality that interest me. The geometric features of cubism allows me to quantify my experience of reality into a condensed “language”, much like a scientist would use math. I’m quite methodical and I consider each painting as an experiment that I hope will lead me a little closer to understanding and manifesting the structures of reality. 

I work mainly with acrylics, assemblage and drawing

Resume (selection):

January 2016: Won 3. prize at the "Award Exhibition” at Galleri Oxholm in Copenhagen

April 2016: Represented by Galleri Hjorth at "NORTH art forum" in Aalborg

November 2016: Group Exhibition at Galleri Inuit, Aalborg

April 2017: Solo-Exhibition at Galleri Ur, Malmø

April. 2017: Group exhibition at Galleri Oxholm, Frederiksberg.

November-December: 2017: Exhibition at NovoZymes, Bagsværd.

January 2018: Solo-exhibition at Blaa Galleri, Copenhagen  

August 2018: Group-exhibition at Galleri  Øckenlund, Frederiksberg

August 2018: Exhibition at Nationalmuseets "Glassal", Copenhagen

December 2018: Solo-exhibition at Rejsestalden, Jægerspris. 

March 2019: Solo-exhibition at Blaa Galleri, Copenhagen

November 2019: Solo exhibition at Blaa Galleri, Copenhagen

May 2020 - : Represented artist at RoS Gallery, Roskilde

September 2020: Solo exhibtion at Blaa Galleri, Copenhagen.

September 2020: Group exhibition at RoS Gallery, Roskilde

October 2021: Solo exhibition at Blaa Galleri, Copenhagen.

September 2022: Solo exhibition at Blaa Galleri, Copenhagen